Sounds can no longer play more than once on the same frame.
Training mode combo counter now includes grabs.
Entire roster redone using new development tools.
Improved egg/frozen effects and mashing calculations.
New hit effects which now rotate and resize based off of knockback.
Improved support for sour/sweetspots! Users will see big improvements in aim-based attacks such as CF’s “nipple spike” dair, Zelda’s fair/bair/dair, and more.
Ichigo and Goku have a fresh coat of paint!.
Marth, Zero Suit Samus, and Chibi-Robo added!.
Replay functionality added! We will be expanding on this in the future.
Don’t have an account yet? Register here! We will be expanding on this barebones functionality later.
Online Mode added! Please note that your MGN account must be activated to play online – this will happen sometime over the next week.